Al-Meezan Outdoor Area Appeal
Our Al-Meezan Outdoor appeal is to raise funds to transform our outdoor space and surroundings.
Phase 1: Fitrah pathway and Fence
We are delighted to inform you that the first phase of work of this project has been completed.
Phase 2: Tarmac/Resurfacing of car park
Total Cost - £75,000.00
Funds raised - £39,244.00
Funds Required: £35,757.00
Help us reach our target this Ramadan. Any amount, small or large is welcome!
Use the link below to make a donation.
May Allah reward you in abundance and may this be multiplied for you by Allah swt.
Make a Card Payment
Using PayPal
Click on the above link and select the 'donate with debit or credit card' button.
You will then be taken to a payment page and asked to enter your details.
Gift Aid
By completing the Gift Aid form you are increasing the value of donations by 25%, so it means even more money goes to the causes you care about – and it won't cost you extra.

The prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h) said " The charity you give will be your shade on the day of Judgement"