That is, the niches, graves and columbariums, are administrative concessions , for this reason we pay the right to occupy them and they have a maximum established term, with the possibility of extension. In granada, for example, the minimum term for granting funeral rights is five years and a maximum of seventy-five. If the renewal payment is not made, the body will also be exhumed. Procedure to follow for exhumation due to non-payment as we have been saying,
the cemetery service has permission to exhume a corpse if there is non-payment of the cemetery maintenance services. To proceed and execute the exhumation, the initiation of an administrative file is declared , where the interested parties are whatsapp number list given a hearing for a period of fifteen days (although it will depend on the nuances of the regional or local regulations of reference), by means of communication to the holders of the law. This file will be resolved by the board of directors of the company, in view of the allegations deduced and with a resolution proposal from the management.
This resolution, being considered affirmative, will give permission to execute the exhumation of the corpse. In the event that, within said period, the payment of the amount owed occurs, the file initiated is archived and the extinction of the funeral right does not proceed. Controversial issues extension period regarding the duration of the funeral right when it is extended, the local regulations themselves establish that the times for which the extension or initial concession can be set, will be set freely by the company at all times. It will be carried out within the period established in the previous section, depending on the burial units and the needs of the
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