Adult English Courses
Friday Night Dars
…And whosoever walks to Allah, He comes to them at speed.’
An informal study of the Quran. Each week a few verses are recited, explained and discussed.
Although regular attendance is recommended, sisters can also drop in whenever they can. No prior registration is required. Suitable for those who wish to develop a taste for the study of Quran and for a weekly spiritual boost !!
Day: Friday
7pm till 7.30pm - tea and biscuits
7.30pm - 8.30pm - Dars
Zoom facility also available
Free entry
(no registration required)
For more information please contact info@almeezan.co.uk
or call us on 0141 427 7001
between 10am and 2pm from Monday to Friday.
There is no formal crèche arrangements for infants, however mother and infant space is available with audio link up.
Tajweed Course
The more you read the Quran the more you will fall in love with the author.
The tajweed course is taught by a teacher with full Ijazaah. Students focus on the accurate recitation of the Quran. Like all aspects of Quranic study, students who learn the Quran with Tajweed face a task of dedication and commitment. The student who learns Tajweed must understand the complexities of Quranic verse as well as the challenges of proper pronunciation in each part of the mouth.
Ultimately, the goal is to recite the Quran in a matter identical to the speech Prophet Muhammad (saw) would have used within the early Islamic community centuries ago, perfecting the classical Arabic language that serves as the bedrock of Islam.
Course Details:
Tajweed: The Foundations
Al-Isti‘aatha & Al-Basmalah
Al-Noon Al-Saakinah Rules
Noon And Meem Mushaddadah
Al-Meem Al-Saakinah Rules
Ahkaam Al-Madd (Madd Rules)
Al-Laam Al-Shamseeyah
Al-Laam Al-Qamareeyah
The Connecting Hamzah
The Cutting Hamzah
The Silent and Pronounced Alif
Makhaarij Al-Huroof
Sifaatul Huroof
Tafkheem and Tarqeeq of the letter Raa
Day: Monday 10:00 am -12.00 pm
or Tuesday 11.00 am - 1.00 pm
Fee: £20 per month
Duration : weekly
(August to June)
For more information please contact alaa.aiman90@gmail.com
or call us on 0141 427 7001
between 10am and 2pm from Monday to Friday.
Keys to the Quran
‘ Indeed we have made the Quran easy as a reminder but is there anyone who will remember?'
Vision of the course is to enable you to build a living connection with the book of Allah. This course will enable you to unlock the treasures of the Quran and enrich your life with its guidance and wisdom.
Students will be able to:
Recite Quran correctly
Become familiar with its language and expressions (recognise words, key verses)
Understand its meaning
Reflect upon its verses and apply them to enrich your life
The Course focuses on the study of Surah Baqarah in the First year (foundation stage).
Course Details
Tajweed – Through the introduction of basic principles/rules.
Qur’anic Arabic – Accessing the language of revelation through the skill of word to word translation and basic grammar.
Meaning & Understanding – Exploring surah background, themes, contexts, key concepts.
Day: Sunday 10.00 am - 12.30 pm or Wednesday 10:00 am - 12.30 pm
Class format:
10:00 am – 11:15 am -Tafsir Lesson part 1
11:15 am – 11:30 am - Break
11:30 am – 12:30pm- Tafsir Lesson part 2
Weekly word to word lesson
Tajweed oral test
Reflection dairy
Annual prize giving:
Awards will be given to students who excelled in class during the year.
Fee : Term 1: £55 - Term 2: £55 - Term 3: £55
Full Year £155
Duration : weekly
(August to June)
For more information or any other general enquiries please email: keystoquran@gmail.com
Quran Word for Word
Transform your connection with the Holy Quran with a comprehensive study of the Ayaat of Allah swt.​​
Course Teacher: Asma Ahmad
Course Content
Study the explanation of verses of the Quran.
Master the technique of learning Word for Word translation.
Recitation of Verses - focus will be on listening & flow. (basic level)
Duas - Translation, understanding & memorisation of key duas.
Day: Saturday
Class timing: 10.00 am - 12.30 pm​
Fee : Term 1: £55 - Term 2: £55 - Term 3: £55
Full Year £155
Duration: weekly
(August to June)
For more information or any other general enquiries please email: word4word2021@gmail.com